
Heroin Abuse, Addiction, Rehab and Detox in Idaho

Heroin Addiction Information

The Facts About Heroin Addiction, Abuse and Treatment in Idaho

Heroin abuse and addiction continue to be major problems in Idaho; at least partially resulting in the opioid epidemic. Going to detox and rehab is critical for anyone with this type of substance abuse problem. But people often do not know where to turn for help. They may feel as though there is no hope for them because they do not see a way out.

Once a person gets addicted to heroin, it takes over their life. It impacts them at work, home, school and in relationships. And yet, people tend to think that they are stuck, even though they have suffered such terrible losses.

We want people to know that there is hope. There is a way out, and the right kind of treatment can change everything. It can restore so much that was lost, and people only need to be willing to make the commitment to get clean. Idaho offers so many opportunities to do that. We want to talk about heroin abuse and addiction and the impact they have had in Idaho. We also want to discuss the best ways to get recovery help.

Do You Have Questions About Addiction? Call Our Recovery Experts Now.

What is Heroin?

Heroin is an opiate that is made from morphine in a lab. Morphine comes from the seed pod of different types of opium poppy plants. They are mostly grown in Mexico, Colombia and Southeast and Southwest Asia.

The drug comes in a few different forms. It can be a white or a brown powder, or it can also be a black sticky substance. This is called black tar heroin.

People use heroin for a few different reasons. Some use it in place of opioid painkillers because it also works for pain relief. Others use it because of the euphoric high it produces. Either way, this drug is dangerous. It can easily lead to a quick addiction, and it can have a profound negative impact in people’s lives.

Unfortunately, people often fail to recognize the scope of heroin’s power. Many believe they can use it for a short time without any consequences. Others may intend to use it only once, just out of curiosity. Before they know it, they are hooked, and unable to stop without getting help.

Heroin is a highly addictive, illegal drug that is synthesized from morphine, a naturally ocurring substance extracted from poppy seed

Heroin has a long list of street names, which is what dealers and recreational users generally use when they talk about it. They include:

  • Dope
  • Dragon
  • Hero
  • H
  • Mexican Brown
  • Brown Sugar
  • Boy
  • White Boy
  • Horse
  • Chiba
  • White
  • China White
  • Junk
  • Tar
  • Black Tar
  • Smack
  • Scag

There are other slang terms people use as well, such as:

  • Junkie – refers to a heroin addict
  • Strung out – means being addicted to the drug
  • Hurting or Sick – going through heroin withdrawal
  • Atom Bomb – refers to a combination of heroin and marijuana
  • Dragon Rock – refers to a combination of heroin and crack

Street names and slang terms may be intended to take some of the stigma away from using this drug. But those who have seen how heroin destroys lives are not fooled by any means. This drug is dangerous, regardless of what it is called.

The history of heroin is really quite fascinating. It was created as a drug that was intended to have medicinal value. It was first discovered through the acetylation of morphine. At that point, a new drug was created, and it was called diacetylmorphine. As it was studied more in depth, it was found to be more effective than either morphine or codeine.

In 1898, the Bayer Company began producing heroin for sale to consumers. It was actually considered to be a wonder drug during that time. It was sold over the counter, and its popularity rose quickly.

It was not long before it was clear that repeatedly using heroin resulted in a drug tolerance. People had to continually increase their dosages in order to get the same effects. This was the first time that anyone realized the addictive potential of it. By the 1910s, people who were addicted to morphine discovered that heroin offered a much more euphoric experience. Using the drug intravenously further enhanced that sensation.

It was not long after that when its availability changed. It soon became available by prescription only, and then soon, the drug was banned in the United States.

Because of how addictive heroin is, it holds no medicinal value in the United States. The Harrison Narcotics Tax Act was passed in 1914 for the purpose of controlling the sale of it and other opioid drugs. Under this law, it could be prescribed and sold for medicinal use. But by 1924, Congress banned the drug in our country.

Many people start using heroin recreationally but quickly become addicted to the drug. Repeated use of heroing causes physical dependence, psychological dependence forms as the chemical balance of the brain is altered. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking behavior, users eventually need heroin just to feel normal

Today, heroin is known as a Schedule 1 substance. That means that it is illegal for non-medical use. It was banned in 1925 by the Health Committee of the League of Nations, but this ban took more than three years to be implemented.

Today, we have a multitude of medications that are available, and that can be prescribed by physicians. There is no need for heroin to treat pain or to help with respiratory illnesses. It holds no medicinal value in our country, but people continue to use it just the same.

Heroin Abuse Statistics in the United States

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that since 1999, the number of heroin overdoses has increased drastically. In 1999, there were 1,960 in the United States. That number rose to 2,399 by 2007, and then it skyrocketed to 15,482 by 2017.

In United States of America, in 2000 and 2013 roughly 3 of 4 people reported abusing opioid painkillers before heroin then in 2015 81326 heroin related E.R visits were reported then in 2017 5 heroin related deaths for every 100000 people were reported and almost 494000 people of 12 years old and older were reported using heroin

The CDC offers additional statistics:

  • Heroin use has increased over the last several years among all ages groups, genders and income levels.
  • Actually, some of the groups thought to be at the lowest risk of heroin abuse have seen the sharpest increases.
  • These groups include people with higher incomes, women, and those who have private health insurance.
  • In 2017, there were close to 494,000 people in the U.S. who reported having used heroin during the last year.
  • That is an estimated 0.2 for every 100 people in our country.
  • In 2015, there were 81,326 emergency room visits because of unintentional heroin poisoning.
  • That is a rate of almost 26 for every 100,000 people.
  • More than 9 out of 10 people who used heroin in 2013 also used at least one other drug.
  • Between 2000 and 2013, about three out of four people admitted to abusing opioid painkillers prior to using heroin.
  • In 2017, there were five deaths for every 100,000 people due to heroin overdose.
  • The highest death rate that year was among men between the ages of 25 and 44.
  • The rate was 14.8 for every 100,000 people.
  • That was actually a decrease from 2016.
  • There was a five-fold increase in heroin overdose deaths between 2010 and 2017.
  • Between 2016 and 2017, the number of heroin overdose deaths remained stable.

The bottom line is that this drug is dangerous. It has the power to take people’s lives, even if they use the utmost care when administering it. As long as so many people continue to die, there is so much work left to be done to save lives.

Sometimes we tend to think of heroin addiction as something that happens in other parts of the United States. But we want to assure you, it is also happening right here in Idaho. For starters, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare reports that in 2014, there were 12 overdose deaths from heroin. By 2018, that number had gone up to 33.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse says:

  • The age-adjusted rate of drug overdose deaths has remained about the same in Idaho for a few years.
  • It was 14.4 in 2017.
  • Most of the overdoses involved an opioid drug.
  • In 2017, there were 70.3 opioid prescriptions written for every 100 people.
  • This is the lowest prescribing rate in Idaho for the last ten years.
  • The national average is 58.7 opioid prescriptions for every 100 people.

SAMHSA offers some interesting data regarding young people and heroin abuse in Idaho:

  • Four children around the age of 12 admitted to having used heroin at least once in the past year.
  • The same is true for young adults around the age of 18.
  • Only 96 12-17-year-olds felt that there was a great risk to trying heroin once or twice.

The drug overdose rate in Idaho is only 2.8 points lower than the national rate for overdose deaths.

Heroin remains a big problem in Idaho, although so much is being done to fight the opioid epidemic. But there is still so much more that needs to happen. For one, people need to know that there are safe places to recover, and treatment may be exactly what they need.

Combating the Opioid Epidemic in Idaho

The good news about the opioid crisis in Idaho is that steps are being taken to fight it. In 2019, Governor Brad Little said that it was clear that opioid abuse was one of Idaho’s growing problems. But by working together, there was so much that could be done to create change.

The plan he outlined is as follows:

  • Utilizing the prescription monitoring program to lower opioid prescriptions for everyone in the state.
  • Prescription data is now available across state lines.
  • Access has been improved for naloxone, which is a drug that was formulated to reverse overdoses.
  • New programs and funding are coming from the federal government.
  • Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden is pursuing legal action against opioid manufacturers.
  • Expanding Medicaid will make treatment options more affordable for more Idahoans.
  • The Opioid and Substance Abuse Advisory group was formulated.

Taking these steps is so important because people need to know that there is a way out of addiction. So many heroin addicts need them to work.

The Side Effects of Heroin

Many of the side effects of heroin are desirable, which is what makes people continue to use it. Others may be easy to overlook, or they may pale in comparison to the drug’s pleasurable effects.

Physical side effects of heroin are constipation, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting and respiratory depression. Psychological side effects of heroin are intense euphoria, memory issues, learning problems, coordination problems and impulse control problems
Heroin impacts the brain and the body

This is a drug that impacts both the brain and body. It is interesting to see what effects it has on both.

People who use heroin are likely to experience the following physical side effects:

  • Warm flushing of the skin
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Heaviness in the extremities
  • Drowsiness
  • Respiratory depression
  • Constricted pupils
  • Nausea with or without vomiting

The psychological effects people experience when they use heroin include:

  • An intense surge of euphoria
  • Cloudy mental function
  • Impaired decision making abilities
  • Memory issues
  • Learning problems
  • Impulse control problems
  • Difficulty dealing with stress

How do People Abuse Heroin?

Heroin can be abused in a number of different ways. The method of administration largely depends on the drug’s purity.

When the drug is quite pure, most people prefer to snort it or smoke it. These methods may be much more appealing to newer users. When heroin is not as pure, or in the case of black tar heroin, it is often injected. It can be dissolved into a liquid like water or alcohol and then injected into veins, muscles, or under the skin.

A lot of people begin by snorting or smoking heroin. But because addiction is a progressive disease, they will often transition into injecting it. This gives the user a much more potent high.

The heroin high is extremely euphoric. It is common for this drug to make people feel nauseous, and vomiting and dizziness are also typical. But most people only experience these sensations with their first use. After that, their bodies start to adapt to the drug.

For a lot of users, heroin is really more about numbing their pain (whether it is physical or emotional) than about feeling good. It is often taken for self-medication purposes.

Heroin causes a flood of dopamine to the brain, which is where the feeling of euphoria comes from. This is quite desirable by those who did not feel good when they began using. It is also why this drug is so important to people who battle depression or anxiety.

A lot of people report that they feel warm and safe while they are high on heroin. It is why the drug is appealing to people whose home lives are unsafe. It helps them to relax and get the rest they need.

When it is taken in lower doses, heroin can make people feel calmer, less lonely and tense. They also feel happier overall, and they are more accepting of the people around them. With higher doses, users tend to disconnect from other people. They experience a dreamlike, or floating state, which can bring a lot of mental relief.

The terms substance abuse and addiction are often used to mean the same thing. But they are really quite different. It is important to recognize that one generally leads to another.

In general, people start off by abusing heroin. They may try it once or twice, with no intention of continuing to use it. But with repeated use, they form a physical dependence on the drug. It often does not take a long time before they are also psychologically dependent upon it, and that is when the addiction takes place.

Substance abuse leads to addiction because of changes that are taking place in the brain. People get used to experiencing higher dopamine levels and that becomes their “new normal.” Before long, unless they are using, they do not feel like themselves at all. They need to use again in order to regain that sense of balance.

Transitioning From Prescription Opioid Addiction to Heroin Use

There is a very strong relationship between prescription opioid addiction and heroin abuse. For one, many of the drugs share a very similar chemical makeup with the illegal opiate. For another, there are a lot of reasons why it makes sense for many people to switch to heroin; at least in their minds.

NIDA reports that as many as 86% of users had used painkillers nonmedically prior to starting heroin. This was not always the case. In fact, in one study that was done in the 1960s, the exact opposite was true. During that time, more than 80% began by using heroin.

When President Trump declared the opioid epidemic a public health emergency, so much changed. It had already gotten more difficult to get prescriptions for opioids, and it was only going to get worse. With people in pain unable to get the drugs they needed, many of them turned to heroin. It was a more available option for them, and it was also a lot cheaper, in many cases.

It is not surprising that so many turned to heroin as a way to cope after having gotten addicted to painkillers. Both are addictions that never should have happened in the first place.

We briefly mentioned earlier about how the brain experiences a release of excess dopamine when using heroin. The same is true for all opioid drugs. That is where their addictive power comes from.

Opioids work by attaching to the opioid receptors in the brain, spinal cord and elsewhere in the body. Once this process has taken place, the receptors send signals out to block the sensation of pain. At the same time, that dopamine is being released, causing people to feel euphoric.

Over time, the new, high level of dopamine because the individual’s baseline way of feeling. When they go without their drug, they may start to feel down or depressed. Many report just feeling “off.” They feel the need to use again to get back to normal.

Of course, over time, the body builds up a tolerance to the drug. That means that people need to use more and more of it to get the feelings they want. Dosages just keep climbing until something is done to interrupt that process – which is hopefully, treatment.

Signs and Symptoms of a Heroin Addiction

Families are often the ones who need to know the signs of heroin addiction most of all. They may suspect that someone they love is using, but they have no way of being certain.

Signs of heroin addiction includes presence of drug paraphernalia and physical and psychological signs. Drug paraphernalia includes having objects like pipes, needles, spoons and lighters. The physical and psychological signs of heroin addiction includes scratching, track marks, anxiety and depression

People who are addicted to heroin also need to know what the signs are. It is very common for addicts to be in denial. They typically refuse to believe they could have a substance abuse problem or addiction because they feel in control. These are the people who constantly say, “I can stop anytime I want to.”

There are various signs to look for that indicate that someone might be addicted to heroin. Some are obvious, whereas some may be hidden, or more difficult to see.

The presence of heroin and/or drug paraphernalia is a pretty sure sign of an addiction. This is not a drug that people typically do one time and then they are finished. If someone is addicted, they are likely to try to keep a decent supply on hand at all times. They will also have various implements to use while they are getting high. Examples include:

  • Pipes
  • Needles
  • Spoons
  • Lighters
  • Syringes
  • Rubber tubing
  • Elastic bands

There are other, more obvious signs that someone might be using heroin, such as:

  • Having flushed skin
  • Having constricted pupils
  • Itching and scratching
  • Appearing disoriented
  • Needle marks on the arms (often hidden by long-sleeved shirts)

Most people who are addicted to heroin try their hardest to keep their addictions hidden from loved ones. There are many hidden signs that indicate someone might be addicted to this drug as well. They include:

  • Having a dry mouth
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Falling asleep frequently and suddenly
  • Slower breathing rates
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Heaviness in the arms and legs
  • Problems with decision making
  • Memory loss

Heroin addicts are often isolated from their friends and family. They may spend a great deal of time alone and stop attending family events and social functions. This is how so many once-close relationships suddenly become strained. Work and school issues are also an indicator of addiction.

Alternate Ways of Identifying an Addiction

As we mentioned earlier, people often have a difficult time identifying an addiction in themselves by looking at symptoms. They need a different way to learn the truth about their heroin use. There are a few other ways to tell if someone is addicted to this dangerous opioid drug.

For some individuals, taking a heroin addiction quiz can be very beneficial and informative. It helps them to take an unbiased look at their lifestyle and behaviors.

This quiz asks several different questions about the person’s drug use patterns. At the end, it will provide their results right away. They will learn if they are addicted or just abusing this drug. In addition, they will also learn what type of treatment might be appropriate for them.

Taking a quiz can be a great option for some people. But others need a more personal approach. For them, talking with a professional to learn more about their addictive behaviors is the best option. They will be able to explain their situation in detail and get a personalized answer about what they should do.

This is exactly why so many drug rehab programs offer free addiction assessments. These usually take place over the phone, and they allow people to get real answers for their substance abuse problems.

Continued Heroin Use and the Drug’s Effects

Sometimes people will continue to use heroin because they enjoy the drug are unaware of its effects. This is a powerful opiate, and because of that, it has a direct impact on body; both in the short and long-term. It is important for anyone who uses it to be aware of what might happen with continued use.

People typically use heroin for the drug’s positive short-term effects. They want to feel good, and they do not care about anything else. The reality is that this drug has some serious short-term effects, and they can include:

  • Problems thinking clearly
  • Slowed heart function
  • Labored breathing, which can sometimes be life threatening
  • Possible coma
  • Permanent brain damage

There is also the risk of overdosing; which can even happen the first time someone uses heroin. But anyone can miscalculate a dose, or take more than their body can handle at that moment.

Continuing to use heroin can cause changes in the physical structure of the brain. This can create long-term imbalances that are not often easily reversed. This drug can also have a dramatic impact on the physical body.

The long-term effects of heroin include:

  • Deterioration of the brain’s white matter
  • Problems making decisions
  • Problems regulating behaviors
  • Difficulties when dealing with stress
  • Dental issues
  • Constipation that can develop into a medical emergency
  • A weakened immune system
  • Respiratory illnesses
  • Partial paralysis
  • Impotence in men
  • Menstrual problems in women
  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Pustules on the face

Celebrities With Heroin Addictions

It should not be surprising to find that there are many celebrities that have battled heroin addictions. Some of them have lost those battles, while others are living their lives in recovery. It is interesting to read about their stories.

Philip Seymour Hoffman began dating his partner, Mimi O’Donnell in 2001. From the moment they got together, he was always very clear about his addictions. He had a history of alcoholism, and he had also experimented with heroin. He was in recovery, and staying clean and sober was very important to him. He went to therapy and AA religiously.

Philip always knew that he was addicted, and that just because he was in treatment did not mean the addiction would stop. That was why it was strange when he asked Mimi what she thought about him drinking again.

As often happens with multiple addictions, the alcohol led to an addiction to prescription opioids. After that, he returned to heroin, and it was not very long before he overdosed.

Today, Russell Brand is very outspoken about his recovery and addiction to heroin. He had been working at MTV, but he hit rock bottom because of his substance abuse problem in 2003. That was when he lost his job. In addition, it cost him a radio show and several important relationships.

Russell had done drugs since he was 19 years old, and he had been a heroin addict for four years. It was not until his manager told him he needed to get help that he finally saw the light.

He immediately entered into a 12-Step program, and that made such a difference for him. Since that time, he has basically written the basic 12 Steps into a book that appeals to a more modern audience. He has also become quite an advocate for recovery.

Robert Downey, Jr. is one of the most well known names in Hollywood. He has been in countless movies, and is now most popular for his role as Iron Man. But as most people know to be true about Hollywood, things are not always as they appear.

Robert was introduced to drugs by his father when he was only eight years old. Between 1996 and 2001, he was in and out of jail for a number of different drug charges. He started by snorting cocaine, and then states that he accidentally got involved in heroin. He says, “It finally tied my shoelaces together. Smoking dope and smoking coke, you are rendered defenseless. The only way out of that hopeless state is intervention.”

In 2003, Robert went into rehab and that gave him the tools he needed to recover. He has been clean and sober ever since that time.

Carrie Fisher is known best for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars movies. It was a role that she was able to reprise with the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: The Last Jedi. What many do not know is that she battled a long history of depression.

Carrie struggled with a drug addiction for many years. Eventually, she began using heroin as a way to self-medicate. It was the only substance she found that could control the manic side of the depression.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Carrie was asked if there were any drugs she wished she had not used. She responded with, “The stronger of the opiate class. I would say heroin. I snorted that. I never did it the full-on way, which is basically what you do when you’re trying to kill yourself.”

Carrie died at the age of 60 after having a heart attack. Sources say that both cocaine and heroin were in her system when she died.

Cory Monteith was one of the stars of the musical television show, Glee. But prior to that, he was already dabbling with substance abuse. By the age of 13, he was skipping school to get drunk and smoke pot. He says he did any type of drug he could get his hands on, and as often as possible.

At the age of 19, Cory’s friends staged an intervention. He went to rehab and started working. He also took acting classes and then started working on Glee. But his addiction returned.

In 2013, Cory went back to rehab. But he ended up relapsing and passed away later that year of alcohol and heroin toxicity.

Options for Heroin Addiction Recovery

Now more than ever, people need to be made aware of their options for recovering from heroin addiction. So many feel like they are stuck, with no way out. That is not true at all, and there are ways to quit using successfully.

Detox is the first step in the heroin addiction recovery process. On inpatient recovery patients reside in a substance-free facility and receive medical care and therapeutic support. On outpatient recovery patients live at home and visit the facility for therapeutic support

The following are the different ways that people try to get off heroin. Please keep in mind that not all of them are beneficial or recommended.

The most common way that people try to get off drugs is to quit cold turkey. In their opinion, it is something they would like to get over with as soon as possible. They are worried about withdrawal and they do not want to delay the inevitable.

While it sounds good in theory, quitting heroin cold turkey is never a good idea. One man had this to say about it:

“Listing the symptoms or even describing them cannot even begin to convey the pain and fear one experiences while going through this. The poison seems to make a horrid effort to convince you that you will in fact die if you do not get one more fix.”

It can be a dangerous drug to stop abruptly because of the withdrawals. There is a very high risk of relapse with this drug, which can lead to a deadly overdose.

There is all kinds of information available online about how to detox from drugs at home. There are many natural remedies posted, including vitamins, supplements and even increased water intake.

In theory, these sound like they might be effective, or at least take the edge off withdrawal. But that is not usually the way it works. Natural detox remedies are rarely effective, and none of them are FDA approved. There is a high risk of complications associated with these methods, which is why they should be avoided.

Many people abide by the “harm reduction” rule of getting off drugs when it comes to heroin. They attempt to reduce the amount they take little by little until they are completely off it. Again, it sounds good in theory, but a self-taper is not a good idea.

Many people have tapered off heroin too quickly, which drove them right into withdrawal. With no way to improve their symptoms, they typically end up relapsing.

The best way to stop using heroin is to go through drug treatment. This requires a series of steps that include both detoxification and rehabilitation. When combined, these two forms of treatment can have a profound effect on someone wanting to recover.

The Benefits of Heroin Addiction Treatment

It is extremely difficult to stop taking a drug without the proper level of support. So many heroin addicts feel like they need to be heroic about stopping their drug use. But that is a tremendous mistake. It takes more than willpower to get off drugs, and addiction treatment has so many benefits.

Heroin addicts need to learn from professionals who have helped others recover before. They need to talk with others in recovery and gain strength from them. They also need to learn how to prevent a relapse in the future.

Heroin recovery is possible. But it is best achieved with others who are assisting the addict and striving toward the same goal.

What is Drug Detox and Why is it Necessary for Heroin Addicts?

Drug detox is the process of ridding the body of toxins that are there because of a drug. In this case, this refers to heroin. Withdrawal symptoms can become very difficult to manage, and they typically bring people back to using when they are not controlled. The detoxification process does this, and it helps people feel better faster.

It is important to note that detox should only be done on an inpatient basis. There may be programs that offer outpatient services, but this could be dangerous in most cases.

Most heroin addicts are recommended for opioid replacement treatment, or medication assisted treatment. MAT allows them to take certain medications to help with their withdrawal symptoms. There are several drugs that have been approved to treat opioid addiction. They include Suboxone, Buprenorphine and methadone.

Vivitrol is a medication that has been recently approved to treat opioid addiction, and it carries high hopes. It is an injection that people get once a month. When it is combined with therapy, it is very effective.

The Next Step: Drug Rehab

Drug rehab is the step that should be taken after detox. Therapy is an essential part of the healing process because it helps to determine the cause of the addiction. The addict’s therapist should work with them in a one-on-one environment, but group therapy is also recommended.

The importance of this step should not be ignored. This is when people put together relapse prevention plans and where they begin the healing from the source of their addictions.

We have mentioned a few co-occurring disorders so far, and these conditions can actually be the cause of the addiction. Some examples of them include anxiety, PTSD, depression and bipolar disorder.

Co-occurring disorders should always be treated with addictions simultaneously. This helps the addict make the connection between the two and it gives them a better chance of recovering.

This is why dual diagnosis treatment is so important. But it was not always the norm. In the past, addictions and mental health issues were treated separately. Fortunately, that is no longer the case for most drug rehabilitation programs. Now more than ever, we understand that the two are very closely connected. In fact, close to 50% of people with addictions also have co-occurring disorders.

Our Outpatient Heroin Treatment Program in Idaho

At Ashwood Recovery, we offer a high-quality outpatient addiction rehab program. We have worked with many people with heroin addictions and watched them have great success through our program.

We know that recovering from addiction is different for everyone. Everyone has their own needs during the healing process. That is why we offer three levels of care. It helps us to more adequately address the needs our clients have.

Many of our patients begin with either our partial hospitalization program or our intensive outpatient treatment program. They need more support in order to be successful. They may or may not have completed an inpatient program previously, so these would be the next step down.

We also offer an excellent traditional outpatient rehab at our facilities. This is a much shorter time commitment and it is intended for those who need to transition to a lower level of care.

We have a location to help make getting treatment more convenient for our clients. We are located in Boise.

As we mentioned earlier, drug detox is a very important part of recovering from an addiction as well. Heroin withdrawal can become quite severe, which is why we always recommend it to anyone with this addiction.

We do not offer drug detox at our facility, but we do provide Vivitrol services. We make it a priority to provide referrals for our clients to high-quality detox facilities that we know and trust.

At Ashwood Recovery, we want to do everything we can to make going to detox and rehab more affordable for our clients. We participate with many of the top health insurance companies in Idaho, including Blue Cross of Idaho.

A lot of health insurance providers will cover outpatient treatment in full. Some people may need to pay a small copay, but that amount should be minimal.

Ashwood Recovery

Learn More About Heroin Addiction and Recovery

Recovering from a heroin addiction is difficult, but it is also possible with the right type of support. Here at Ashwood Recovery, we understand that it might be scary to think about stopping the use of this drug. So many people let that fear control their lives, and they really should not. The right type of help is available to help them quit.

We want you to know that we are here to help. We can provide you with a referral for detoxification services. Our intensive outpatient program is among the best in the region. We also offer family support services and treatment for co-occurring disorders.

Did we answer your questions about heroin addiction and treatment? To learn more, please contact us today.
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Full Infographic

Many people start using heroin recreationally but quickly become addicted to the drug. Repeated use of heroing causes physical dependence, psychological dependence forms as the chemical balance of the brain is altered. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking behavior, users eventually need heroin just to feel normal. Physical side effects of heroin are constipation, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting and respiratory depression. Psychological side effects of heroin are intense euphoria, memory issues, learning problems, coordination problems and impulse control problems. Detox is the first step in the heroin addiction recovery process. on inpatient recovery patients reside in a substance-free facility and receive medical care and therapeutic support. on outpatient recovery patients live at home and visit the facility for therapeutic support