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Ashwood Recovery is Now In-Network with Multiple Insurance Carriers

We are excited to announce that you will now have in-network insurance coverage for drug rehab services at Ashwood Recovery!

Here’s Our Current List of Insurance Agencies Who We Are Now In-Network With:

  1. Pac Source (BP)
  2. MHNet
  3. Select Health
  4. Cigna

Why Being In-Network Saves You Money When you Choose an Addiction Treatment Program

When you attend a drug rehab program, including outpatient programs like Ashwood, your insurance should help cover the cost of treatment, which is a big help. If the rehab you choose is out-of-network, the amount of coverage paid by the insurance is usually less than an in-network treatment provider.  In a nutshell, choosing a rehab program that is in-network with your insurance company could save you big bucks.

Why We are Working Hard to Get In-Network with More Insurance Agencies

Getting in-network contracts is not an easy task for Ashwood Recovery or any rehab. It takes time, effort and sometimes a rate cut for us to become “contracted” with a new insurance company. The good news is that it’s worth it. In the end, we want as many people as possible to have access to and be able to afford addiction treatment.