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How Cocaine Impacts Anxiety

Even among the skyrocketing rates of opioid abuse in today’s society, cocaine remains a popular street drug because of its effects. When someone uses cocaine, they may experience a temporary feeling of euphoria. However, the cocaine high doesn’t last long and is quickly followed by an intense crash. When someone comes down from their peak cocaine high, they may seem agitated and nervous. The link between cocaine and anxiety is not straightforward, but it is present.

At Ashwood Recovery, our team knows the importance of managing mental health symptoms while overcoming addiction. That’s why we provide high-quality dual diagnosis treatment. Even though they may never have been diagnosed, many people struggling with cocaine addiction have an underlying mental health disorder, like anxiety. Our cocaine addiction treatment program works to break the link between cocaine and anxiety while teaching healthy coping mechanisms to stay sober and live a healthy life. For more information, call us today at 888.341.3607.

The Cocaine High

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that creates a temporary feeling of euphoria by increasing dopamine levels in the brain. The high from cocaine is usually accompanied by increased energy, alertness, and talkativeness. However, this high doesn’t last long—usually only 30 minutes to an hour—and is quickly followed by an intense crash. During the crash, the person may feel anxiety, irritability, and agitation. In some cases, the anxiety can be so severe that it leads to a panic attack.

The Relationship Between Cocaine and Anxiety

During the cocaine crash, many people experience anxiety, irritability, and agitation. In some cases, the anxiety can be so severe that it leads to a panic attack. The reason cocaine creates such intense feelings of anxiety is not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to how cocaine alters brain chemistry.

Cocaine also tends to amplify any underlying mental health conditions someone may have—such as anxiety disorders—which can further contribute to feelings of anxiousness during a crash. It’s important to note that even if someone doesn’t have an underlying mental health condition, they can still experience anxiety after using cocaine.

No matter the cause, it’s clear that there is a strong relationship between cocaine and anxiety.

The Long-Term Effects of Cocaine Addiction

Experts believe that chronic use of cocaine can lead to changes in brain structure and function changes that result in impaired executive functioning skills (such as decision-making and self-control) and increased impulsivity and compulsivity. These changes in brain function can make it difficult for someone to quit using cocaine even when they want to—which is why treatment is so vital for those struggling with addiction.

Benefits of Getting Treatment for Cocaine Addiction

While quitting cocaine use on your own may be possible for some people, most will need professional help to overcome addiction. Drug addiction treatment should be tailored to each individual’s unique needs but typically includes some combination of:

  • Detoxification to help clear the drug from your system.
  • Behavioral therapy to address any underlying mental health conditions as well as teach healthy coping skills.
  • Medication to help manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

Treatment for cocaine addiction can be incredibly effective; research has shown that those who receive treatment are more likely to abstain from drug use than those who don’t get treatment. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, please know that help is available and treatment does work.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment at Ashwood Recovery

At Ashwood Recovery, our dual diagnosis programs offer outpatient treatment for those struggling with cocaine addiction and underlying mental health conditions. Our team of qualified professionals will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs. We offer a variety of evidence-based therapies, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and art therapy.

Our goal is to provide you with the tools you need to live a healthy and sober life. If you or someone you love is struggling with cocaine addiction, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 888.341.3607 for help.