
Family and Friends Helping with Rehab

How Can Family and Friends Make a Difference in the Life of Someone Needing Addiction Treatment?

When you have a friend or a family member who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, it hurts you to see them suffer. You know they're compelled to use, but you feel powerless to help them. Actually, there are many things you can do to communicate your desire for addiction treatment, and there are ways to show them how much you care about them and support them as well.

Communicating Your Desire for Addiction Treatment

For many people, the challenge is in talking with a loved one about their need for drug rehab or alcohol rehab. It is not an easy conversation to have, and sometimes even the best efforts are ignored. Your loved one might be waiting for you to say something because they need motivation to quit using drugs, but if they refuse to listen to you, there are other ways to talk with them. Scheduling an intervention is often very helpful, and admission to addiction treatment can be facilitated immediately afterwards.

Becoming Involved with the Recovery Process

You want to provide as much support to your loved one as you can, which is why family sessions are so important during addiction treatment. Family sessions also give you a chance to talk about your concerns and frustrations in greater detail, and they help to ensure that you will be heard. The more involved you can become with the recovery process, the more your friend or family member will feel supported. It can be difficult to be in recovery, and when you're supportive, it often provides your loved one with the additional encouragement that's needed to persevere.

Here at Ashwood Recovery, we want to assist you with supporting your loved one as much as we possibly can. You have the ability to make a big difference in the life of someone you care about. If you'd like more information about our drug addiction program, we'd love to discuss it with you. Please contact us.