
United Behavioral Health Care Rehab

Does United Behavioral Health Care Cover Drug Rehab in Idaho?

Two of the most important decisions you'll make in life are to be sober and where to go to get help. With the advent of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), it's a lot easier to get the addiction treatment you need. All insurance companies must now include drug rehab because drug addiction is considered a medical condition.

The next step is to find out if United Behavioral Health Care (UBH) will cover the drug rehab in Idaho, inpatient or outpatient addiction treatment or 12-step programs.

United Behavioral Health Care (UBH) has several different health insurance plans. Some of the UBH plans cover the complete drug rehab in Idaho while others cover only some of the costs. This is why you have to check your individual plan. By calling them directly, an insurance specialist will go over the details of payment.

Before You Check Into Any Drug Rehab in Idaho

Here are a few guidelines to consider:

Call your UBH insurance company representatives at 1-800-867-6758 to get authorization for drug rehab and/or drug detox in Idaho. Find out the complete coverage details.

Contact Ashwood Recovery to find out what type of substance abuse treatment you will need and what your plan would include. Some of the choices might include:

  • Alcohol detox
  • Alcohol rehab
  • Cocaine, heroin or meth rehab
  • Opiates detox and rehab
  • Group therapy and/or individual therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Dual diagnosis and treatment for mental disorders
  • Short term treatment or long term treatment

Make sure you know whether you will need inpatient treatment or outpatient treatment. In some cases, outpatient drug rehab treatment is the preferred type of treatment. If inpatient drug rehab treatment will benefit you the most, find out how many days the program will be. The range is from 30 days to 90 days.

Then find out whether or not your UBH plan will cover the entire time. If there's a discrepancy, then our staff at Ashwood Recovery can help you find a drug rehab in Idaho that has a treatment plan that will work for you.

Ashwood Recovery is here to help you go through this difficult time period in your life. There are answers and we will help you find them.