Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international fellowship for anyone whose life has been impacted by alcoholism. This faith-based mutual support group aims to help anyone who wants to quit drinking for good. AA meetings are free to join, and anything shared at these meetings will be kept 100% confidential. These meetings include daily reflections, book studies, step studies and speaker discussions.
With alcoholism on the rise, more and more people are joining AA. This fellowship has helped millions of people worldwide put down the bottle.
New Hope Church
Time: Friday @ 8:00 PM
Group name: Friday Night Candlelight
Location: 603 3rd Ave SE., Pacific
1.2 miles away
Holy Family Catholic Church
Time: Sunday @ 7:30 PM
Group name: Auburn Alkees
Location: 505 17th St SE., Auburn
1.7 miles away
Church of the Nazarene
Time: Friday @ 6:30 PM
Group name: Southeast Group
Location: 1225 29th St SE., Auburn
1.9 miles away